Repeated reading has been widely accepted as a tool to measure the accuracy and speed of reading and therefore it is recognized as a key element to determine if students are becoming more fluent readers and it is also used as a helping hand to monitor and improve fluency in those cases meriting additional help to get students in a reading level appropriate for their age and grade.
I think that the most important key point is that repetition can help kids learn and remember what they read.
Timed repeated reading uses a very down-to-earth approach that is perceived as not quite technical or formal, therefore putting the tested student in a relatively low stress level that helps him or her perform to their average potential in a normal daily life scenario. The short time span for reading, usually one minute or a few minutes does not tire them a lot, and increasing the times of reading repetition from three to four times can improve their confidence and desire to improve.
Key Takeaways:
Many students struggle with reading.
Some struggle due to learning challenges.
Timed Guided Repeated Reading can help students overcome reading struggles.
Would you like a simple approach to overcoming a reading difficulty? Learn how to overcome a reading struggle by clicking here
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