For years science has taught us that people can be right brained or left brained. The idea is that if you use your left brain more often you will have one type of personality and if you use your right brain more often a different personality. This was believed to be the difference between a very analytical individual and an artier individual.
I think it’s a good fit for your site and that others would be very interested in reading this article, especially since it’s a somewhat new development, because we all originally thought the left and right brain areas dominated certain talents and actions. The most compelling point that I read was the following key point. “Evidence from more than 1,000 brain scans showing absolutely no signs of left or right dominance.”
Now science has proven that there is no such thing as right and left brained people. People are unique and different, but we all use our brains about the same way. The only truth to the old theory is that the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left side of the brain controls the right.
Key Takeaways:
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