A love for reading and employing the imagination should be instilled at a young age. When children read, and are read too, they develop larger vocabularies and have improved abilities in English comprehension. This seems to be an idea lost in some school systems and it is a cause for some children to be left behind in their education.

Forcing young children to study flashcards in the car in order to “master” 100 words is turning kindergarten into kindergrind. Children who develop a love of reading will master thousands of words, without suffering.
~Stephen Krashen

Reading at an early age leads to a larger vocabulary

Forcing children to memorize dozens of words using flashcards can be less than effective. This type of harsh education doesn’t foster imagination and the drive to learn more. Kindergarten should be less of a “grind” and more of a positive outlet for imagination and the joy of learning. When children are given the ability to freely learn, the outcome can be immeasurable.

Key Takeaways:

The argument of Common Core continues to rage from state to state especially when it comes to math standards.
However, there is no doubt that literacy standards are met when children are read to and with on a regular basis.
Flashcards are off-putting and stressful when finding a book for a child to read is a better way to teach them a literacy concept from any subject.
Would you like a simple approach to overcoming a reading difficulty? Learn how to overcome a reading struggle by clicking here

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