Many think dyslexia is just about reading difficulties. But there's more to it than that. Many dyslexics have difficulty with following instructions. Understand the reasons why and what to do about...Read more
James / Jul 13, 2020
Educating at home can be overwhelming, especially for busy parents. Being skeptical about being a good educator it is understandable. There is much to learn from the the non-traditional education system. And now is the time to learn it.Read more
James / Jul 13, 2020
Homework reinforces children's information-gathering capacity and develops independent learning. Creating better and effective strategies to motivate them is useful for their advancement. Learn more by watching this video.Read more
James / Jul 1, 2020
With the pandemic children are more exposed to digital platforms. Monitoring them is essential. Not only to protect them, but also to make sure they are getting correct and relevant information for their age. Learn how in this video.Read more
James / Jul 1, 2020
Many times, confidence stems from success, but how do we set up our children to succeed, especially over the summer? Find out in this video.Read more
James / Jul 1, 2020
It can be frustrating trying to create an ideal homeschool setting. Feelings of not being equipped or having the proper resources may arise. Fear not, the answers are here.Read more
James / Jul 1, 2020
The rapid development of online applications and games can occupy too much of children's time. It's also alarming how easily children can become addicted. We can't deny the usefulness of smartphones but it's best to use them in a healthy manner,Read more
James / Jun 29, 2020
Parenting is never an easy role to play. It requires being in tune with our senses and the ability to function soundly. At some point, parents may lose this soundness and it may require tapping again into our inner wisdom and intuition.Read more
James / Jun 27, 2020
Being efficient at homework makes for better learning, a happier home, and huge time savings. Learn these tips now.Read more
James / Jun 24, 2020
Having a balance of electronic use and physical play is critical for kids' development. Here's a strategy to help with that.Read more
Liz Weaver / Jun 9, 2020
Under a lot of stress? Studies show that mothers of struggling students can have near clinical levels of stressRead more